SN5 8 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SN5 8 is a postcode sector in Swindon, UK. Below is a complete list of SN5 8 Postcodes (Active). SN5 8 postcode sector comprises of 197 active postcodes. SN5 8 sector has a population of 10094, and it has 4315 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SN5 8 postcode sector

SN5 8 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 10094
Addresses / Property Count 4315
Active Postcodes 197
Nearby Postcode Districts 22
Nearby Postcode Sectors 8

View Map Of SN5 8 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 197 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SN5 8AA 51.55387000 -1.81618600 30 77 412841 183903
SN5 8AB 51.55456300 -1.81687600 32 80 412793 183980
SN5 8AD 51.55444900 -1.81870800 42 108 412666 183967
SN5 8AE 51.55499000 -1.81935500 34 45 412621 184027
SN5 8AF 51.55403700 -1.81982000 49 139 412589 183921
SN5 8AG 51.55275100 -1.81919100 51 109 412633 183778
SN5 8AH 51.55243900 -1.82141300 34 78 412479 183743
SN5 8AJ 51.55233000 -1.82043300 22 41 412547 183731
SN5 8AL 51.55170800 -1.81941100 15 39 412618 183662
SN5 8AN 51.55109800 -1.81969200 16 62 412599 183594
SN5 8AP 51.55228100 -1.81803900 22 45 412713 183726
SN5 8AQ 51.55171000 -1.82056500 62 86 412538 183662
SN5 8AR 51.55314400 -1.81750100 33 63 412750 183822
SN5 8AS 51.55106200 -1.82071200 12 36 412528 183590
SN5 8AT 51.54772200 -1.85634500 N/A N/A 410058 183213
SN5 8AU 51.54479600 -1.84650500 N/A N/A 410741 182889
SN5 8AW 51.55180800 -1.82004500 20 48 412574 183673
SN5 8BA 51.55232500 -1.81721600 8 28 412770 183731
SN5 8BB 51.55137400 -1.81859000 6 28 412675 183625
SN5 8BD 51.55058500 -1.82002100 16 46 412576 183537
SN5 8BE 51.54943700 -1.82231900 17 38 412417 183409
SN5 8BH 51.55099300 -1.82261600 32 72 412396 183582
SN5 8BJ 51.55078800 -1.82345300 23 58 412338 183559
SN5 8BL 51.55058200 -1.82390100 23 59 412307 183536
SN5 8BN 51.55040200 -1.82427600 11 26 412281 183516
SN5 8BP 51.54969900 -1.82264900 18 57 412394 183438
SN5 8BS 51.54962900 -1.82403400 10 29 412298 183430
SN5 8BU 51.54875800 -1.82522000 40 126 412216 183333
SN5 8BX 51.54893100 -1.82607000 30 79 412157 183352
SN5 8DA 51.55337500 -1.82161100 N/A N/A 412465 183847
SN5 8DB 51.55473200 -1.82121600 48 81 412492 183998
SN5 8DD 51.55468800 -1.82179300 24 25 412452 183993
SN5 8DE 51.55411200 -1.82185300 12 13 412448 183929
SN5 8DF 51.55496800 -1.82271500 37 64 412388 184024
SN5 8DG 51.55407700 -1.82241600 33 57 412409 183925
SN5 8DH 51.55337600 -1.82160100 N/A N/A 412466 183847
SN5 8DR 51.55304400 -1.82314100 N/A N/A 412359 183810
SN5 8DU 51.55227400 -1.82517800 16 30 412218 183724
SN5 8DX 51.55138400 -1.82532500 4 8 412208 183625
SN5 8DY 51.55168900 -1.82460300 10 32 412258 183659
SN5 8DZ 51.55391600 -1.82310900 22 67 412361 183907
SN5 8EA 51.55427800 -1.82437700 22 44 412273 183947
SN5 8EB 51.55469900 -1.82348100 37 123 412335 183994
SN5 8ED 51.55473800 -1.82544200 30 85 412199 183998
SN5 8EE 51.55408000 -1.82456500 30 43 412260 183925
SN5 8EF 51.55343300 -1.82466900 15 34 412253 183853
SN5 8ES 51.55545900 -1.82649300 56 149 412126 184078
SN5 8ET 51.55542900 -1.82476200 24 73 412246 184075
SN5 8HA 51.55361400 -1.82563400 7 19 412186 183873
SN5 8HB 51.55357900 -1.82618200 37 111 412148 183869
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